Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Gynura spp

Gynura pseudochina (DC . var.hispida)
狗头七, Sambung Nyawa Batik

Gynura procumbens, sometimes called "longevity spinach," (蛇接骨 , 平卧菊三七 , 尖尾凤) Sambung Nyawa

Gynura bicolor, (紅鳳菜) Okinawan Spinach, Sambung Nyawa Ungu

Gynura divaricata (L.) DC. ssp. formosana (Kitam.) F. G. Davies (白鳳菜) Daun Dewa

1 comment:

  1. Hi Richard,
    I'm Wyola. I'm wondering if you're locating within the U.S., and if it is possible to purchase some cutting of Gynura bicolor, (紅鳳菜) and Gynura pseudochina (DC . var.hispida) for my garden from you. Please let me know. I'm looking forwards to hearing from you.
    Thank you kindly, W.P
