Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Poisonous Yet Nutritious

Manihot esculenta commonly called Cassava.
Leaves Must Be Cooked - Cassava leaves and roots are high in hydrocyanic acid which is poisonous, but when cooked the acid disappears… and be sure to discard the water the leaves are boil in. Cassava or yuca leaves must be cooked for at least 10 minutes. By Dr. Paul Haider.


Cassava leaves nutrition per 100 gr
Energy 73 kcal
Protein 6.8 g
Fat 1.2 g
Carbohydrates 13 g
Calcium 165 mg
Phosphorus 54 mgIron 2 mg
Vitamin A 11000 IU
Vitamin B1 0.12 mg
Vitamin C 275 mg


Benefits of cassava leaves
1. Treating stroke
2. Increase endurance
3. For eye health
4. Preventing osteoporosis
5. Healing wounds
6. Prevent premature aging

Read more: http://ummukulthum.com/benefits-of-cassava-leaves/#ixzz4nptkFy3o

Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, commonly known as Chaya or Tree Spinach.

Chaya is traditionally eaten by boiling the leaves, stem tips and shoots for about 20 minutes. It is important to note that some varieties may contain Hydrogen Cyanide, which is poisonous.

Chaya leaves were found to contain substantially greater amounts ofnutrients than the spinach leaves. 
The chaya leaf is especially high in ;
protein (5.7%)
crude fiber (1.9%)
calcium (199.4 mg/100 g)
potassium (217.2 mg/100 g)
iron (11.4 mg/100 g)
vitamin C (164.7 mg/100 g)
carotene (0.085 mg/100 g)


The major health benefits from regular consumption of chaya leaves are as follows;
1. Improves blood circulation
2. Helps digestion
3. Improve vision
4. Prevents varicose veins and hermorrhoids
5. Lower cholostrol
6. Helps to reduce weight
7. Prevents cough
8. Augments calcium in the bones.
9. Decongests and disinfects the lungs
10. Prevents anemia
11. Improves memory and brain function
12. Combats arthritis and
13. Improves glucose metabolism and prevents diabetes.


Sauropus androgynus, also known as katuk, star gooseberry, or sweet leaf, is a shrub grown in some tropical regions as a leaf vegetable.
In August, 1995, there was an outbreak in Taiwan of rapidly progressive respiratory distress associated with consumption of uncooked Sauropus androgynus, a vegetable with a claimed yet unconfirmed effect on weight control. We report on 23 patients with strikingly similar clinical presentations.


Sauropus androgynus Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy- 245 kJ (59 kcal)
Carbohydrates- 11 g
Fat -1 g
Protein- 4.8 g
Vitamin A- 10370 IU
Thiamine (B1)- 0.1 mg
Vitamin C- 239 mg
Calcium- 204 mg
Iron- 3 mg
Phosphorus- 98 mg
Water- 91.4 g


The dark-green leaves provide a rich source of chlorophyll which is a valuable blood building element, cell rejuvenator, and beneficial to the circulation, intestinal flora, and for regular bowel elimination.


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